Portrait of Stephanie, founder of the Loubiblu brand.

When I created Myokko Design, I could not have imagined that I would meet so many beautiful people, creators, entrepreneurs, often juggling family and professional life. Women from all walks of life, dynamic and courageous, who have chosen to lead their children's education and/or their business development at the same time, always having that little sparkle in their eyes when we talk about and discover their creations. Enriching life paths that often branch off in totally unexpected directions. 

I thought it was time to share a little bit of these beautiful encounters with you.

Today, I really want to talk to you about Stephanie, creator and founder of the brand "Loubiblu". Our paths crossed during my adventure with Etsy and the creation of the "Etsyswiss" team.


What parent hasn't dreamt of seeing their children indulge in creative activities such as crafting, colouring or creating, without the usual hassle? No more worrying about sharp scissors, glue spilling on the table, or having to clean up after each activity.

Well... Stephanie has a solution for you! Find out right here. If you prefer the interview in French, you can click here: interview in 🇫🇷 


Enjoy your reading.


Stephanie, who are you?

I am a mother of 3 living in Zurich Switzerland. I left the UK at 20 to live in Italy from there my husband and I went to Australia where we stayed for a long time before coming to Switzerland.


When you were a child, what did you want to do for a living?

I don't think I know, or at least I don't remember! I was studying Chemistry Biology and Law and I hated it! On a whim I suddenly decided that this wasn't for me and went to Art college, It was in the middle of the academic year and the only course that was available was Fashion and so I joined, even though it wasn't what I had in mind - I wanted to do graphics!

But it turned out I was actually quite good at it and ended up even doing a Masters in Fashion at the Royal College of Art!


I heard that you were involved with the Spice Girls in one of your past lives?

Hahah, yes! I met them a few times when I was a fashion student. During London Fashion Week students were asked to help 'dress' models at the shows. I was lucky enough to work a couple of seasons with Julien McDonald - he always had a lot of famous models and celebrities to walk his show.

Emma and Victoria were definitely the funniest and I to help them with getting their outfits on which was very surreal!

I also did my dissertation about Posh spice and the effect celebrities and media had on young girls....lol.


How did you fall into this colourful and creative world for children?

This is a long-ish story do you want it all?

-I was going away with my girlfriends leaving my husband in charge of the kids. It was rainy and cold with not a lot to do, I knew he hated mess of any kind, so crafting for him was way down the list but on a cold winter weekend it was something the kids would want....  

So I came up with an idea to prepare some craft kits for the kids that didnt require preparation, no glue, no scissors and minimal mess - just colouring pens.  

It was a huge success and I was gifted the colourful creations and stories about their crafting time with Daddy, he was happy because it was a lot less hassle than he expected and (the best bit) he enjoyed doing it with them!  




What people, projects, environments, and circumstances inspired you?

I'm very inspired by Kawaii and Japanese stationery! I love to make characters cute with eyes and a smile. 

I love the way Kawaai art makes everyday objects more endearing and friendly like a way of giving them personality. I mean who wouldn't appreciate boring objects like toilet roll more with a pair of eyes and a smile!


What was your first product? 

There were 2, the fairy and the dragon - the originals that I took to my local market and that's when I knew this was an idea that kids loved.

I had a lot of mums that day buy them for the kids to do whilst they chatted to their friends and ate local food at the festival - it was exactly why I invented the idea - So mums can have a break and enjoy sometimes for themselves!


What is your flagship product today?

Hmm, probably the Pegasus -not to be confused with a Unicorn ;-) and the Dinosaur.



Who would you like to introduce it (your flagship product, that is) to?

Im not selective, my kits are there for all to enjoy! I have a lot of grandparents buy them as a way of spending time with their grandchildren without screens!

But mostly I would encourage mums who both love or dislike craft. For those that dislike craft, - its all done for them  - just add coloring pens. 

For those that enjoy crafting it is a lovely way to spend some easy time connecting and chatting about their craft while they maybe do a little colouring of their own.



And I understand that it's mostly the mums who should be thanking you, as you offer them something very valuable with your kits. Can you tell us a bit more about it?

You are right, in this world of equality, I am in fact only talking to Mums!! because although many dads do a wonderful job - its mums that more often than not do the lions share of the care. They are the ones juggling their time between chores, work, and the 'entertainment of the kids on a day-to-day basis.

This was me for a long time, I wanted my kids off screens but that meant alot of 'work' to prepare stuff to keep their attention, and stop the begging for the TV! 

Sometimes I just didn't have the energy so TV it was (this was a bit before ipads ;-)  So this is why my kits are a balance of easy and interesting....easy enough that the kids can do it alone and interesting enough that they want to do it, and finish it! (because no one needs more unfinished craft hanging around the house!)

So that was basically a long way of saying that with my kits I encourage mums to take a break, take 10 minutes for themselves - to scroll the phone if they want, text a friend, read a chapter of a book - whatever it is, whilst the kids enjoy some independent craft time. 



Do you have a place in nature where you go to recharge your batteries?

Hmm I'm very bad at this, but I have a lovely place I go too in Porlezza that sits on lake Lugano and I love to go and just sit by the lake watching my dog swim about. The view is amazing and so serene. I love the way its surrounded by the mountains.


What is true happiness for you?

This is a brutally honest answer - the kids are out and about with their friends, hubby is watching sport on tv, and I'm in my studio probably with my bestie, coffees in hand, playing with new ideas for my kits and chatting about what's going on with our kids or what netflix show we've been watching!






This interview is already over. And if you want to stay in touch with Stephanie, here are the different platforms where you can find her: 


Website & shop: www.Loubiblu.com and/or www.etsy.com/fr/shop/loubibludesigns

Instagram : www.instagram.com/loubiblu

Facebook : www.Facebook.com/loubiblu


If you liked this interview and you think especially of mums who need a little break, don't hesitate to share this article around you, on FB or even on Pinterest!


I'd like to finish by thanking you, Stephanie, for having so kindly lent yourself to this little interview. Thank you soooo much!


See you soon!



PS: By clicking on the pictures below, you will discover the "Loubiblu-Myokko" gift sets available in my shop: Relaxing cushion for mums and creative kits for kids.